5 Delicious Vegetables You Must Have In Your Garden This Year!

 Vegetables are one of the most important elements of our diet. It is wonderful to be able to grow them in your own garden. Vegetables from our gardens are much healthier and, above all, tastier. I would like to introduce you to 5 delicious vegetables you must have in your garden this year. If you like my articles, follow my Facebook profile. It will be a great motivation for me to write new interesting articles. I also invite you to join my Facebook group

  • Parsley
 Parsley is a vegetable used all over the world. Parsley root and leaves are used in cooking. Its root contains a lot of fiber that helps in weight loss and is beneficial in the digestive process. Parsley is a valuable source of many vitamins, including vitamin C.

  • Green Beans
 Green beans are low in calories, in 100 grams they contain only 31 calories. As mentioned earlier, parsley contains a lot of fiber. It is a very interesting plant to grow in the garden because it climbs beautifully around poles, which makes an architectural effect. If we do not want to grow beans on poles, we can choose dwarf varieties.

  • Tomatoes
 Personally, I don't know a person who doesn't like tomatoes. Growing tomatoes is very enjoyable, it is one of my favorite vegetables to grow in the garden. There are many varieties with different shapes, colors and sizes of fruit, so we have a lot to choose from. Eating these vegetables is beneficial for us, they contain large amounts of potassium, lycopene, vitamins and folic acid.

  • Any kind of lettuce
 Cultivation of lettuce is very simple, it can be grown almost all year round. It does not require special conditions and can be grown among other plants. There are a huge number of varieties from which everyone will choose their favorite, I like arugula the most. Lettuce is low in calories so it helps maintain a healthy body weight. It is a great source of water, vitamins and minerals.

  • Garlic
 Garlic is a wonderful vegetable used in many dishes around the world. Young leaves can be used as chives. It is best to plant it in October to collect it in July next year. Cultivation is very simple and interesting. Has antibacterial and antifungal properties: Garlic contains substances that can help fight bacteria and fungus, which can help prevent infections. The antioxidants contained in it protect cells from aging.

 It is worth eating and growing vegetables because they are a rich source of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that are essential for human health. Vegetables help maintain a healthy weight, improve digestion, lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease and cancer. Growing vegetables in your home garden can also be good for the environment as it reduces reliance on industrially produced food, reduces waste and promotes a sustainable lifestyle.


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