How To Divide Hostas?

 Hostas are one of the most beautiful shade plants. There are many varieties with different shapes, sizes and colors of leaves. It is worth dividing hostas because we rejuvenate the plant and gain new plants that can be planted in a different place. In this article, I will show you exactly how to divide hostas. It is worth dividing hostas because we rejuvenate the plant and gain new plants that can be planted in a different place. If you like my articles, follow my Facebook profile. It will be a great motivation for me to write new interesting articles. I also invite you to join my Facebook group

  • When to divide hostas
 The best time is spring, when new shoots come out of the ground. This usually takes place around March or April, depending on location and climate. Hostas can also be divided in the fall after flowering, but this should be done at least six weeks before the first expected frost.

  • Dig up your hosta
 It is important to be careful with the root system so as not to damage it. It is worth noting that hostas have a very extensive root system, so pay attention to this when digging them up.

  • Pull your hosta out to place where you will divide it
When moving, be careful because the plant with the soil and the entire root system weighs a lot.

  • Dividing
Now is the most important moment of the whole process. Using a sharp knife or shovel, cut the plant so as not to damage the growing shoots. I used saharp knife. After dividing your hosta should look like mine in the second picture. When you plant the divided plants, water them well.



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