How To Grow Geum?

 Geum is one of my favorite plants. Every year I can't wait for them to bloom in June. Deep orange flowers placed on barely visible stems give a very interesting effect. Geums come in many colors from yellow, through pink, orange, peach to red. In this article I would like to show you how to grow geum.  If you like my articles, follow my Facebook profile. It will be a great motivation for me to write new interesting articles. I also invite you to my Facebook group.

A Brieaf Characteristic Of Geum:

The appearance of the geum depends primarily on what variety you choose. Most plants in this group grow to a height of 40-50cm, but there are some that reach even 100cm.Geum flowers can be double and semi-double in orange, pink, red, peach, yellow or brown colors. Geum is very resistant to weather conditions, pests and various types of diseases, sometimes it can be attacked by snails.

What Type Of Soil Does Geum Needs?

The plant is very tolerant of the substrate. With good conditions it will repay you with beautiful flowering - even twice in one season. So it is best when the soil is permeable, moderately moist and moderately fertile. Both sandy and loamy soils will be suitable for the kukli. It is important that the soil is not dry. It can also be alkaline or acidic.

Where To Grow Geum?

When planting geum, keep the spacing between successive plants. This is due to its growth. However, this one is not very intense, so spacing of 25-30 cm is usually sufficient. Geum requires a sunny or semi-shaded place. A good idea would be to planting this plant in groups.

Recommended Plant Care:

 The recommended care of geum includes the consistent removal of wilted flowers. It is worth cutting them as often as possible, because the plants will repay you with a much longer and more intense flowering period. Before the onset of winter, it is worth removing old dried and damaged leaves.
 In addition, once every three years, under the threat of extinction, the plants should be divided and transplanted. A clear indication for the treatment is the visible drying of the plant in the middle of the clump - this time when dividing it is worth removing it completely, leaving only the younger edges. Such rejuvenation allows you to enjoy flowers for many years.


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